Jarrett Walker is frequently asked to speak to urbanist, development and transit professional groups. He also often grants interviews to media on aspects of ongoing or completed projects. If you are interested in booking him for your event or for a media appearance, please contact don’t hesitate to drop an email to [email protected].
2018 Railvolution Keynote
“Planning Transit: Can We Live Without Predictions?” at the Congress for the New Urbanism in Seattle (2017)
“Learning the Langue of Transit” at the Congress for the New Urbanism in Dallas (2015)
“Abundant Access” at City of Toronto Planning Department (2015)
Jarrett was the guest of the City of Toronto Planning Department, part of its Feeling Congested program to explore transit options for the city.
Jarrett Walker and James Llamas of TEI discuss the Houston Transit System Reimagining on Strong Towns podcast (2015) at CNU in Dallas.
“Redesigning Houston’s METRO System Without Breaking The Bank” on WBUR’s Hear & Now (2015)
“Uncaptive Rider” on Notebook on Cities and Culture (2012)
Jarrett discusses the history of transit in Portland, Los Angeles and the US with Notebook’s Colin Marshall.